Oncology Nurses Rock Boston

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Each year thousands of oncology nurses gather at the annual congress to learn through interactive sessions, poster presentations, and other events. However, this year’s congress aims to go a step farther to engage and reengerize the attendees. Whether it’s a rock concert (Charlie Lustman’s Musical HOPE Campaign), new technology (QR codes, Apps, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), or a huge celebration (2011 CURE Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing), this conference will be one of the most memorable.

In addition to all of these great events, this year also promises to be very important for the SIGs (special interest groups). With membership in these groups now unlimited, at no cost, it is certain that attendees will be getting more involved in making strides to further advance the oncology nursing profession in the various areas that they represent.

Read all of our 2011 Congress Coverage

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